Animal Reiki


What is Reiki?

Reiki is the Japanese art of energy healing. The word Reiki means Universal Energy and is pronounced Ray-Key. It is a non-intrusive therapy, where the practitioner will place their hands over and sometimes on the animal, to channel the gentle healing energy. The technique is said to create relaxation, promote healing and wellbeing. It is a complimentary therapy to traditional medicine and not a substitute for veterinary medication or treatments.


Reiki has been a popular therapy with many pet owners and Meryl is qualified to offer this healing energy to animals. She's had a life time of involvement with family pets and a decade of experience with rescue & reactive dogs. She also holds a qualification in basic Cat and Dog First Aid.


Reiki is a healing energy, which could help animals who are unwell or recovering from an operation. Humans have indicated that Reiki has helped with pain reduction after a therapy session and this may also apply to our loving companions too.  An animal which has been in a traumatic situation from abuse, neglect, loss of companion or received though a rescue establishment, may also find that Reiki can help to relax and heal those emotions.


 Alice May having a Reiki session for arthritis & giving me spontaneous kisses and paws thank you !


Horses respond well to reiki and accept the gentle energy to help them with behavioural problems such as nervousness, stress and anxiety. Animals on rest or recuperation will find that Reiki may help to calm and promote healing. Where an animal has been in a traumatic situation, Reiki may help to heal those emotions.  

Reiki Session

During the Reiki therapy session, the practitioner will settle quietly and direct a gentle energy flow through their hands and into the animal’s aura.  The animal may become settled and start to yawn as the healing energy is channelled. An animal that is stressed may take longer to respond, especially if alert for danger or scared. The animal will be in full control of accepting how much Reiki energy it wishes to receive. There is no need to move or disrupt the animal as it can be given wherever they are.

Animal Law

The RCVS state that animal owners can choose complementary treatments for their animals, but it must be in discussion with their veterinary surgeon and only on a complementary basis.  This may just be a discussion with your vet during a consultation or an informal chat with them and for them to indicate it is ok for you to proceed. I am quite happy to assist you in this matter and to send details of my reiki practice to you veterinary surgery for their information.

Any treatment or medicines your vet has given your pet must still be adhered to, as Reiki is not a substitute for orthodox treatment.

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Bella receiving a Reiki session from Meryl

Travel: I travel to the animal/pet, so that they feel more relaxed and secure in their own environment. 

 Please note that Fees are waived for Animal Shelters.
